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            Acceleration of industrial investment seven enterprises newly build 630000 tons of coating project

            Time:2018-03-27 Clicks:

            The reporter learned on November 14 that seven enterprises have recently invested in the new coating project with a total capacity of 630000 tons. Among them, Hezhou Yongtong new coating Co., Ltd. has signed a contract to build a new environmental protection coating project with an annual output of 200000 tons.

            Shanghai Taian Industry Group Anhui Co., Ltd. invested 1 billion yuan to build a new production project of waterproof roll and coating, including 1 new production line of waterproof coating, 3 new coating production lines, with an annual output of 30000 tons of new coating;

            Henan haodute new building materials Co., Ltd. has a total investment of 200 million yuan to build a new project with an annual output of 200000 m3 of exterior wall thermal insulation materials, 200000 tons of dry mortar and 50000 tons of building coatings.
            Guangxi Hongzheng Chemical Co., Ltd. has invested in the new projects of 200000 tons of new environmental glue, 100000 tons of high-performance water reducing agent and 100000 tons of new waterproof coating.

            Anhui Jingyan new materials Co., Ltd. has invested 500 million yuan to build a new project with an annual output of 50000 tons of synthetic resin products such as water-based automotive coatings, paint inks, etc.

            Huai'an Shangyan Chemical Co., Ltd. invested 16.5 million US dollars to build a new project with an annual output of 70000 tons of resin, 30000 tons of additives and 50000 tons of coatings.

            Jiangsu Liwen Chemical Co., Ltd. has invested more than 460 million yuan in the construction of 50000 tons of advanced functional multi-purpose coatings and supporting engineering facilities.

            Key:Acceleration of industrial investment seven enterprises newly build 630000 tons of coating project
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