Industry dynamics
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            Domestic propylene market is expected to be stable in the near future

            On November 7, the domestic propylene market was stable. Up to now, the mainstream price of propylene in Shandong Province is 6800-7200 yuan / ton; crude oil futures fell to a six week low on Friday (November 4), falling about 9% in total this week, as doubts about OPEC productio... Addtime:2018-03-27

            The era of "big circulation" of domestic PS supply

            Introduction: after the rapid development of domestic PS industry in recent years, China's overall PS production capacity and trade volume are also growing, with more frequent and convenient distribution of goods. In the past, local production enterprises mainly used to meet ... Addtime:2018-03-27

            Tight supply of goods in the year butadiene rose in concussion

            In 2016, the overall market price of butadiene in the outer market maintained a volatile upward trend. Compared with last year, the market price was significantly higher. Most of the time, it operated above the annual average price of last year. Especially at the end of the third... Addtime:2018-03-27

            We are on the cusp of the wave of low sulfur

            [introduction] with the implementation of the implementation plan of the Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta and Bohai Sea (Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei) water area ship emission control area, the low sulfur wave is coming in all-round way, and there must be brave people and cas... Addtime:2018-03-27

            Types and development direction of adhesives

            Urea formaldehyde adhesive It is mainly used in wood processing. Due to the high formaldehyde emission in urea formaldehyde glue, the environmental pollution of wood-based panel is caused. According to the determination of national wood-based panel testing center, the formaldehy... Addtime:2018-03-27

            Analysis of the proportion of China's polypropylene production capacity by raw material source

            In recent years, polypropylene raw materials have diversified development. We divide propylene sources of polypropylene enterprises into the following categories: oil, coal, purchased methanol, purchased propylene, PDH. At present, the raw materials of polypropylene are mainly oi... Addtime:2018-03-27

            2017's strategy of basic chemical industry: wind water turns to withered trees in turn and wai

            The profit growth of chemical industry is good, and the valuation is on the high side. From the perspective of industry situation, China's chemical raw materials and products revenue has bid farewell to the high-speed growth stage and entered the low-speed growth stage. Than... Addtime:2018-03-27

            Cold wave in North Asia! Oil, coal and gas prices may continue to rise

            The early winter in North Asia this year and the full operation of power plants across the region will stimulate the demand for oil, coal and natural gas, which means that these energy prices may rise further. Commodity analysts blame La Nina for the cold wave. The weather forec... Addtime:2018-03-27
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